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Health Cluster Sudan Bulletin (October 2023)


10.7M People in Need

7.6M People Targeted

1.04M IDPs

1.1M Refugees

178.6M Fund Requested


  • OCHA (Access & CMCoord) continuous to lead extensive negotiations with parties to conflict (PTTC) to facilitate the movement of relief materials through the humanitarian information sharing mechanism (HISM).

  • Supplies have been delivered across Al Jazira, Blue Nile, Kassala, Gedarif, White Nile, River Nile, Red Nile, North Darfur, South Darfur, West Darfur, East Darfur, Northern and Khartoum States. Supplies delivered ranged from emergency, shelter, NFIs, seeds, medicines, health supplies (including emergency reproductive health supplies) among others.

  • Outbreak of Acute Watery Diarrhea (Cholera) in Um Gargour Camp in Gadarif: Eight cases reported (the first case was reported on the 10th of Oct), six of them were from the same household, while two of them are related to the first reported case [UNHCR update].

  • Increasing numbers of Cholera patients and rapidly progressing outbreak in khartoum, the response and the partners is minimal compared to the magnitude of the actual need.