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Health Cluster Sudan Bulletin (November 2023)


0.7M Peope in Need

7.6M Peope Targeted

1.04M IDPs

1.1M Refugees

178.6M Fund Requested


• Despite the existing challenges the health cluster partners man-aged to reach around 1.6 M people from 15 April to 30 November with around 194.4 K during the month of November (21% of the targeted population).

• Under the HRP 2024 appeal submission, the original target of 8.9m was reduced to 7.6m during ICCG meeting and further to 4.9 upon the OCHA directives. After discussion Health Cluster reduced the target since the cost could not be reduced, with a possibility of increased target during HRP revision process in 2024. Three major areas are covered by HC under HRP 2024, support to PHF/PHC, outbreak re-sponse and MHPSS. One of the things that impeded the reduction in target was partners reporting that showed that only 1.6m people were reached so far. Hence timely reporting by HC partners is critical factor to help revise and increase the targets and appeal.

• Eight states are affected by cholera, more cases reported from RS, Jazerah, WN, more support requested from the partners. 741 cholera cases reported in week 47, which is highest number so far, Red Sea is seeing continuing rise in cholera cases which is concerning. More females are affected than males.