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Health Cluster Sudan Bulletin (July 2023)


10.7M People in Need

7.6M People Targeted

1.04M IDPs

1.1M Refugees

178.6M Fund Requested


  • More than 2.8 million people have been displaced, including over 2.2 million inside the country and nearly 615,000 that have crossed the border into neighbouring countries. (OCHA) The highest proportions of the internally displaced have been observed in River Nile (16.4 per cent), Northern (15.8 per cent), White Nile (11.4 per cent) and West Darfur (11.1 per cent) states.

  • The response is still facing significant challenges prevent scaling. Most of the encountered challenges are technical and administrative. The near collapse of several national systems, banking system, restricted movements, reduced national capacities to implement are few contributing.

  • 1,835 Measles cases reported with 30 deaths (CFR 1.82%). The reported cases from 8 states. Vaccination campaign completed in 2 refugee camps in White Nile, during August and September plans to conduct the vaccination campaign in the Northern, River Nile, and Red Sea states. By end of the year the camping should cover Gadaref, Kassala, Blue Nile, White Nile, and East and West Kordofan depending on capacities. The conflict affected states are not accessible for the time being.