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Health Cluster Sudan Bulletin (August - September 2024)



• Following more than 500 days of fighting, over 14.7 million people in Sudan face critical challenges in accessing essential healthcare.

• In August 2024, the Sudan National IHR Focal Point declared the cholera outbreak on under Article 6 of the International Health Regulations (IHR).

• Between the reporting period, there were 19,293 total cases and 572 cumulative deaths from the Cholera outbreak in 11 states and 64 localities.

• Health cluster partners are establishing technical working groups (TWGs) and taskforces to strengthen Health Service delivery, MHPSS, Cholera, Trauma and other priority health needs.

• During August and September 2024, the Surveillance Systems for Attacks on Health Care (SSA) recorded 31 deaths and 21 injuries from 19 attacks. In addition, 13 health facilities, 5 patients, 4 health personnel, 11 supplies, 4 warehouses, and 3 transport deliveries were impacted.