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Health Cluster Sudan Bulletin (August 2023)


10.7M People in Need

7.6M People Targeted

1.04M IDPs

1.1M Refugees

178.6M Fund Requested


  • More than 3 million people have been internally displaced with over 1.5m refugees and returnees arriving to neighbouring countries.

  • The conflict effect is extending far and beyond the directly impacted states and geographies. Insecurity, looting, security measures, and administrative measures are all impacting and impeding meaningful.

  • Many affected areas are seeing a continued deterioration. Pay-ment of health staff salary, availability of supplies and limited access for international surge remain the primary concerns. Health worker strikes are reported in South Darfur, North Kordofan and Red Sea.

  • Challenges to scale up the response and accessing the population in conflict affected areas are still facing the humanitarian community at large. Such challenges are not specific to health but rather cross cutting in nature and faced by all actors.

  • On 7th of August an alert from SMOH reporting suspected cases of DF was received (alert notification email attached), confirmed by RDTs. Up to 23 August, according to SMOH there is 29 cases reported from Gedarif locality (28 +ve RDTs). The total cases since WK52 up to WK 35 are 326 cases (298 from WK 52-WK 15) and (29 cases from WK 32 to date) all the new cases reported from Gedarif Locality