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Grave concerns over imminent threat to civilians in Al Fasher - Statement by the United Nations Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator in Sudan, Clementine Nkweta-Salami [EN/AR]


(Port Sudan, 23 January 2025) I am deeply alarmed about reports of an imminent attack by the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) in Al Fasher, North Darfur State, and continue to be gravely concerned about the safety of civilians caught in crossfires.

The RSF's statement issued on 20 January 2025 gave a 48-hour ultimatum to forces allied to the Sudanese Armed Forces to vacate the city and indicated a forthcoming offensive.

Since May 2024, Al Fasher has been under RSF siege. Civilians in Al Fasher have already endured months of suffering, violence and gross human rights abuses under the prolonged siege. Their lives now hang in the balance due to an increasingly precarious situation.

The innocent men, women and children in Al Fasher and across Sudan deserve a tomorrow free from the shadow of war. Their cries for peace and safety must no longer fall on deaf ears.

I appeal to all sides to the conflict in Sudan to think of the many innocent lives at stake. I urge them to de-escalate tensions and prioritize the protection of civilians, as mandated by their obligations under international humanitarian law.

Further violence will only deepen the tragedy for civilians and hinder prospects for peace and stability in Sudan.


For more information, please contact: Dan Teng’o,; +249 91 253 2791


UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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