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Gezira State and the Forgotten Atrocities: A Report on Conflict- related Sexual Violence


This report underscores the dire circumstances faced by Sudanese women amid the ongoing crisis, particularly emphasizing the deliberate use of Conflict-Related Sexual Violence (CRSV) by the Rapid Support Forces (RSF). This tactic, coupled with additional atrocities such as looting, torture, forced disappearances, and other forms of exploitation such as forced labor and forced marriage, aims to assert dominance over civilian populations and solidify authority.

Furthermore, it highlights how CRSV has been systematically employed by the RSF as an instrument of war since the Darfur conflict, continuing through other conflicts like the Khartoum Sit-In of 2019 and the recent invasion of Gezira State in December 2023. Despite widespread documentation by organizations such as Amnesty International, CRSV remains underreported due to societal taboos and a lack of political will to address these crimes openly. This silence not only deepens the suffering of survivors but also perpetuates an environment where CRSV is normalized and used as a tactic of war.