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Food Security Outlook April to September 2011


• In northern Sudan, the food security situation is likely to deteriorate during most of the Outlook period due to the onset of the lean season. The gradual diminishing of stocks at household and market levels will bring increased market demand. In Darfur and Abeyi, conflict will likely deepen food insecurity. About four million people, including the two million internally displaced people (IDPs) in Darfur, are estimated to be Stressed or in Crisis (IPC Phases 2 and 3).

• In southern Sudan, an estimated 500,000 people are food insecure in areas affected by militia insecurity (Jonglei, Unity, and Upper Nile), and successive, below‐normal crop performance in both 2009 and 2010 in Eastern Equatoria. Food insecurity is also present in areas with a high concentration of returnees, including Northern Bahr El Gazal, Unity, and Warrap states. The food insecure population is expected to increase up to 1.5 million people during the peak lean season in June/July.

• First season rains in cropping areas of southern Sudan have just begun. This suggests a mixed start to the April‐July rains, with delays in many areas. Led by UN‐FAO, humanitarian agencies are targeting about 165,000 households across southern Sudan with close to 2,500 MT of seeds this year.