The 33rd round of the Food Security Monitoring System (FSMS) was conducted between January and March 2022, against the backdrop of ongoing macroeconomic and political instability, and pesistent food insecurity and malnutrition. The FSMS assessment aims to monitor and analyse trends of food availability, access and utilization; ascertain the food security situation of IDP and refugee households; and highlight vulnerable geographical areas. This information on vulnerability enables well-informed decision-making processes for WFP programme design and targeting/ profiling purposes and provides evidence for the expansion of future assistance programs. The FSMS is also a major data source for the Sudan Humanitarian Needs Overview (HNO) and the Sudan Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP).
The questionnaire included information at the household level on demographics, housing, assets, basic services, livelihoods, expenditures, coping strategies, and food source and consumption. Additional information was collected on child health and feeding practices as well WFP assistance.
During this FSMS round, data was collected from approximately 14,300 IDP and refugee households across 135 locations in 13 states. The findings are representative of IDP and refugee households at the cluster of camps level (around 3 camps per cluster). The survey design followed a two-stage stratified cluster sample methodology (purposive sampling followed by random sampling), in which the samples were stratified by states and clusters. Sampling involved the use of sentinel sites, which are revisited from round to round, with households randomly selected. The limitations to the sample is that it does not include observations from urban settings in Khartoum.