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European Union celebrates Year of Development [EN/AR]


The Delegation of the European Union to Sudan announced the beginning of a series of events to celebrate the European Year of Development in Sudan. The events include gatherings, photography exhibitions, cultural performances and launching of new development projects in Sudan.

Ambassador Tomas Ulicny, Head of Delegation of the European Union informed that EU aid focuses on the countries which need it most. Around 150 countries in the world benefit, from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe.

Together, the European Union and its Member States is the world's largest aid donor. In 2013 the EU provided more than half of global official development assistance. Together, the EU and member states spent €56.5 billion in 2013 on helping countries across the world in their fight to eradicate poverty. In many countries the EU and its Member States combine their development efforts to ensure that we work more hand in hand and don’t do the same thing twice. In over 40 countries we have started “Joint Programming”, which integrates efforts of EU Delegations and member states in each country. The EU has 139 Delegations and offices across the world, more than any EU member state.

To help achieve the Millennium Development Goals, the EU provided support and funding to almost 14 million pupils, who now go to primary school, more than 70 million people were linked to improved drinking water, and over 7.5 million births were attended by skilled health workers, saving the lives of mothers and babies.

Ambassador Tomas Ulicny said the European Union has 200 million Euros aid projects in Sudan in the areas of humanitarian aid, food security, rural development, education, and health, management of natural resources, human rights and good governance.