Current ES/NFI Sector Funding Status Update The table to the right lists Partners that have received funding for implementing ES/NFI projects. Based on the information available from OCHA’s Financial Tracking System (FTS) and that gathered bilaterally from partners, sector funding for 2017 amounts to US$ 4,109,223 which is only 20% of the requirement.Sector partners are requested to update the FTS as contributions are received and to provide information to the Sector Lead to maintain an accurate overall sector perspective which supports in effective advocacy for additional funding as opportunities arise.
Sudan Multi-Year Humanitarian Strategy (MYHS) 2017 – 2019, Humanitarian Needs Overview 2018 and Humanitarian Response Plan 2018
In preparations for completing the HNO exercise OCHA organized an HNO workshop towards the end of September to bring together all IASC cluster coordinators, UNDAF RFGs, HCT (Programme/Deputy Heads of offices), INGO SC, Field Representatives and donors to discuss and agree on the overall number of people in need, re-validate the drivers and underlying factors of displacement and need, geographic scope, and agree on the 3-5 most pressing humanitarian problems at sectoral and cross-sectoral level. Following this sectors worked on the sector narratives which were included in the draft HNO prepared by OCHA and presented to the HC and HCT for endorsement, and to the HAC Commissioner.
An advisor from OCHA HQ was on mission in Sudan in September to support all sectors the development of sector response plans and partner project sheets for inclusion in the 2018 HRP. At the Sector coordination meeting in September Ms. Spiazziheld discussion with partners, providing an overview of the 2018 HRP and the process for the revision of the MYHS to include some missing elements: an overarching results framework, and people in-need targeted through the period of the strategy - 2017 to 2019. Discussions included the revision of indicators for the ES/NFI sector response plan,ensuring that they were aligned to the longer-term outcome indicators of the MYHS, and on the longer term monitoring plans, to assess the impact of sector activities, especially through durable solutions under outcome 2 of the MYHS. She reminded partners that whilst the HRP is an annual action plan, and the MYHS is a longer term planning document, the documents should be well aligned and both should be used by sector partners for resource mobilization.
More donors were beginning to show an interest into multi-year funding for early recovery/development type projects.
Partnership with UNHCR
In preparation for the Call for Expressions of Interest to become a UNHCR implementing partner, sector partners were introduced to the UNHCR portal for partner registration for 2018 at the September sector coordination meeting in Khartoum.The portal is a web-based innovative and interactive tool for enhanced communication between UNHCR and Partners on project partnerships. It allows partners to submit Concept Notes in response to Calls for Expression of Interest to partner with UNHCR to implement humanitarian project. It provides information and guidance to partners on the main rules and procedures of working with UNHCR and enables partners to register for UNHCR conferences, such as the Annual NGO Consultations.
The Portal also provides a repository of an accurate and updated data base that is self-presented and maintained by Partners and widely accessible within UNHCR. The purpose of this process is to strengthen UNHCR’s Partnerships to achieve the best results for affected populations.