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DTM Sudan Flash Alert: Rain and Flooding in Tawkar (Tawkar Town), Red Sea (Update 004)


On 3 September 2024, heavy rain and floods across Tawkar town of Tawkar locality, Red Sea reportedly displaced 2,500 individuals (500 households). The floods primarily affected houses between 1st and 6th neighbourhoods, as well as Ashwaie Khojali, Police Eleshlag, and Zarayeb El Noor neighbourhoods of Tawkar town. Displaced households stayed with host communities, in schools and other public buildings, or sought improvised shelter within the Tawkar locality.

Note: The situation on the ground remains highly fluid. All figures should be understood as preliminary estimates only, pending further verification. DTM will continue to monitor the developments closely as network coverage permits and will provide regular updates on displacement and population mobility across Sudan. The latest DTM Sudan report is available here.