ZAMZAM (2 Apr.) - North Darfur displaced are urging donor countries scheduled to attend the Doha conference for reconstruction of the region not to make financial contributions to the government of Sudan. They say the money will go to “militias and bombs”.
The conference, established within the framework of the Doha Document for Peace in Darfur (DDPD), is aimed at raising funds for the development of Darfur. Zamzam camp's residents said donations should only happen when security and stability have been achieved in Sudan.
The displaced condemned partial peace agreements signed by the Liberation and Justice Movement (LJM) and Justice and Equality Movement-Bashar (JEM-Bashar), saying they have brought no peace to Sudan or to Darfur.
Speaking to Radio Dabanga, Zamzam’s population also criticized some of the camp’s residents who attended the Nyala voluntary return conference last week. They are now being recruited by the government to join the popular police forces.
Officers of the popular police will be allegedly responsible to guard displaced who voluntarily return to their areas of origin and secure the process.
However, a Zamzam activist stressed that there is no peace on the ground at the moment, so people cannot return to their home villages. He warned that the government’s "militarization" of displaced is a “dangerous" development that should be stopped immediately.
"Topple regime"
In a related development, the activist presented eight key demands of the displaced to the central government: stop aerial bombardments on civilians; protection of civilians; allow local, regional and international organizations to deliver aid in Darfur; stop arming and stirring tribes; disarm militias.
Other demands include enforcing the rule of law and holding perpetrators accountable; and protecting properties and institutions of the state and of civilians without discrimination of color, religion or ethnicity.
Lastly, Zamzam's population urged the government to sit down with non-signatories of the DDPD, and with opposition political forces to find permanent solutions to the problems of Sudan and of its people.
The activist stressed that if Khartoum does not respond to the demands, the country's population should stage mass demonstrations aimed at toppling the regime.