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Doha Document dissemination begins in North Darfur

18 January 2012- Dissemination workshops for the Doha Document for Peace in Darfur (DDPD) began today among North Darfur’s communities. The exercise is organized by the Civil Society Follow-up Mechanism, an instrument created to liaise with the civil society organizations on the Doha peace process, and supported logistically and technically by UNAMID.

Dozens of participants including women and youth groups, native administration, teachers, internally displaced persons representatives and political leaders attended the first four sessions held in El Fasher and Mellit.

The dissemination process is a key element for promoting the understanding of the Doha Document and creating an enabling environment for its implementation. This activity will continue with more than 50 workshops planned in different localities in North Darfur. Similar exercises will take place in the coming weeks in all of Darfur’s states.

"Today is the real start in bringing the Doha document to the people of Darfur," said UNAMID Joint Special Representative Ibrahim Gambari. "By means of these workshops which we are holding across Darfur, people will be able to read, discuss and understand the agreement. You cannot fully implement the DDPD if people do not understand it."

“Everyone in Darfur must learn about the contents of the agreement. It is their concern and their right whether to support it or not,” said Dr. Khalil Adam, a representative of civil society and a member of the Follow-up Mechanism in North Darfur.

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