Informing humanitarians worldwide 24/7 — a service provided by UN OCHA


DEEP HNO country support project; first level analysis report format


Includes information on

  • Context (Socio-Cultural and Economy)

  • Impact on People, Systems and Services - People at Risk - Priority Needs and Priority Interventions

Type of analysis: This report will provide a first-level analysis, which is a descriptive analysis including summaries and key findings under the pillars and sub-pillars of the analysis framework, aligned to JIAF. Where available, breakdown by geographical area and/or population groups will be included where information is available. The report will not provide an interpretive analysis.

Structure: This report is structured around the pillars and sub-pillars of the framework. More detail is indicated below on the content of each section. Tables will be used to structure the findings and evidence for each pillar and/or sub-pillar. These split out key findings, and the evidence to support these. In addition, other excerpts identified that were redundant (e.g., duplicate), outliers, anecdotal or old will be shared in case useful.


Data focused on reports published in 2021. This version of the report uses data available on DEEP as of 24-26 August 2021. The addition of recently received reports, data entry and cleaning are ongoing including a transfer of data inputted through the GIMAC project this should be available for analysis early next week.

This version of the report only provides information available for:


  • Socio-cultural - Economic - Technological – currently no data available.

Sector level information:

  • Impact on People, Systems and Services - People at Risk - Priority Needs and Priority Interventions

Further information will be added as the data becomes available and the report updated. In addition, we may be able to provide data tailored to a specific request.