Appeal Number: 6467
Appeal Amount: $80,000
Situation Report
Despite ongoing peace efforts, the people of southern Sudan continue to be caught in a war between the Sudan military and the Sudan Peoples Liberation Movement/Army (SPLA). Of particular concern has been continued aerial bombing by the Sudan government forces; also of concern is ongoing instability in the so-called Eastern Equatoria region, as the government-backed Lord Resistance Army (LRA), a Ugandan rebel movement, has turned against local communities and hundreds were reportedly massacred.
The attacks have caused further massive displacement of people in the region. More than 7,000 households are believed to be displaced in Eastern Equatoria from a combined offensives of the SPLA, the government of Sudan and the LRA forces. In Gogrial County, Bahr el Ghazal, more than 10,000 families are estimated displaced from the conflict between the SPLA and the Government of Sudan.
The displaced people are living in deplorable conditions, lacking the basic humanitarian needs such as shelter, food, clean water, clothing, and medical facilities.
Emergency Appeal
CWS is responding through its partnership with Norwegian Church Aid (NCA). NCA is working through local partners to provide relief assistance to the affected communities in both Magwi and Torit Counties in Eastern Equatoria Region and in Gogrial County in the Bahr el Ghazal Region.
While NCA is assuming responsibilities as the lead agency in the appeal, the overall appeal management is the responsibility of another CWS partner, Church Ecumenical Action in Sudan (CEAS). CEAS is an ecumenical consortium made up of three international Christian networks (Caritas Internationalis, Lutheran World Federation and World Council of Churches) and the two Sudanese Church Councils (Sudan Council of Churches and the New Sudan Council of Churches).
The project completion date of this appeal is March 31, 2004.
The goal of this response is to respond to the needs of the internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Torit, Magwi and Gogrial counties (provinces) in south Sudan. Specifically, 10,000 ouseholds displaced in Gogrial County; 6,000 households displaced in Torit and Magwi counties.
The proposed assistance is large scale and includes: seeds and tools for all 25,000 households targeted; provision of emergency resettlement kits and plastic sheeting for some 16,000 households; establishment of sanitation programs, including digging of pit latrines, construction of platforms at water points and health/sanitation education; distribution of supplementary food; support of income-generation projects.
Budget includes $492,000 for direct assistance, such as $67,040 for medicines; $116,000 for water and sanitation projects; $492,000 for resettlement /IDP kits; $137,250 for transport and warehousing.
CWS-ERP is seeking $80,000 from its denominational members for this appeal. For more specific information, including budget information, contact CWS ERP. Or go to the ACT web site:
CHURCH WORLD SERVICE, Sudan: Assistance for IDPs/Eastern Equatoria and Northern Bahr el Ghazal; (Acct. # 6467; Ref#: AFSD-31) P.O. Box 968, Elkhart, IN, 46515. Phone pledges or credit card donations: 1-800-297-1516.
On-line contributions to:
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