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Cooperation Committee of JICA, Five Sudanese states continue its meetings

Khartoum, April 21 (SUNA) - The 4th meeting of the joint cooperation Committee between the Japanese International Cooperation Agency (JICA) at one side and the three States of Darfur, Blue Nile State and South Kordufan State Thursday continued its deliberations over four specialized sectors, including Health, water, vocational training and training in reproductive health. The main objective of the meeting was to assess the progress of these projects in the five States as agreed on last April 2010. It is to be noted that the JICA has provided the equipments and machinery in order to implement the projects. The two sides further signed an agreement on the 2nd phase of the implementation of the 4 projects, due to begin in current April, as endorsed by the government of Japan.

MF /MABack