Adopted by the Peace and Security Council (PSC) of the African Union (AU) at its 1235th meeting held on 9 October 2024 on Consideration of the Report of the Field Mission to Egypt and to Port Sudan conducted from 1 to 4 October 2024.
A. On the Field Mission to Sudan:
The Peace and Security Council,
Recalling its previous decisions and pronouncements on the situation in Sudan, particularly, Communiqués [PSC/MIN/COMM.1/1233(2024)] adopted by the PSC at its 1233rd meeting held at Ministerial level on 25 September 2024 in New York on the margins of the UN General Assembly; [PSC/AHG/ COMM. 1218 (2024)] adopted at its 1218th meeting held at the level of Heads of State and Government on 21 June 2024; as well as Press Statements [PSC/PR/BR.1213 (2024)] adopted at its 1213th meeting held on 21 May 2024; and [PSC/PR/BR. 1228 (2024)], adopted at its 1228th meeting held on 19 August 2024; [PSC/PR/COMM.1041 (2021)] adopted at its 1041st meeting held on 26 October 2021;
Reaffirming the AU solidarity and unwavering commitment to continue supporting the Government and people of Sudan in their aspirations to restore lasting peace, security and stability, and prosperity in their country for the benefit of, not only the people of Sudan, but all neighboring countries, the entire Horn of Africa region and the wider African Continent;
Also reaffirming the AU commitment to respect the sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity of Sudan;
Noting the opening statement by H.E. Ambassador Dr Mohammed Gad, Permanent Representative of the Arab Republic of Egypt to the African Union and Chairperson of the PSC for the month of October 2024 and the statement by H.E. Ambassador Bankole Adeoye, AU Commissioner for Political Affairs, Peace and Security; and
Acting under Article 7 of its Protocol, the Peace and Security Council,
1. Adopts the Report of the field visit to Egypt and Sudan and its recommendations, conducted on 3 October 2024;
2. Strongly condemns the violence in Sudan, including the widespread and systemic sexual and gender-based violence such as the use of rape as a weapon of war, as well as the perpetration of violations against children, the looting of humanitarian supplies, the destruction of civilian infrastructure including hospitals and schools, and the occupation of civilian buildings and houses and the forced displacement of their owners;
3. Also strongly condemns the violent clashes and unprecedented humanitarian catastrophe in Darfur and demands that the Rapid Support Forces urgently lift the siege on the city of EL Fasher and ensure safe and unhindered humanitarian access to the populations in Sudan suffering from acute food insecurity;
4. Urges the warring parties to implement the agreements reached in the Jeddah Declaration of 11 May 2023 relating to humanitarian access and protection of civilians and withdrawal from civilian homes and buildings;
5. Once again, underlines the importance of preserving the Sudanese State institutions;
6. Demands the parties to the current conflict to ensure safe and unhindered humanitarian access to the population in need and welcomes the decision of the Government of Sudan to open the Adre border crossing from Chad to North Darfur and the commitments to allow humanitarian aid through Dabbah***;*** in the same vein, calls upon the two parties to facilitate the opening up of more humanitarian corridors and for an indefinite period to allow the safe and unhindered delivery of much-needed humanitarian assistance; further appeals for the scaling up of humanitarian assistance to the People of Sudan and all neighboring countries currently hosting Sudanese refugees in the spirit of solidarity and, in this context, urges the international partners to expedite the fulfillment of their financial pledges;
7. Requests the Chairperson of the Commission to urgently mobilize humanitarian assistance to Sudan through the relevant AU institutions that include, interalia, the African Union CDC, AU Development Agency (AUDA), New Economic Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD), and the Permanent Representatives Committee (PRC) Sub-Committee on refugees, and to submit the report within ten (10) days due to the urgent nature of the situation;
8. Reiterates that there is no viable and sustainable military solution to the conflict; also reiterates the demand for the warring parties to prioritize the supreme interests of Sudan and its people, and to immediately and unconditionally cease all hostilities, establish a permanent ceasefire, return to negotiations and pursue a political settlement to the crisis in order to end the suffering of the Sudanese people;
9. Once again underlines the centrality of an all-Sudanese genuine and inclusive dialogue, as the only viable path towards a consensual and sustainable solution to the current crisis and, in this regard, requests the AU Commission to continue facilitating the intra-Sudanese dialogue and coordinate with other efforts in this regard;
10. Emphasizes that any solution to the current crisis in Sudan must be Sudanese-owned; strongly rejects any external interference in the internal affairs of Sudan, which can only prolong the conflict and, in this respect, callson the international community and key stakeholders on the situation in Sudan to ensure coordination of their efforts under the leadership of the AU, in close coordination with IGAD, and neighbouring countries;
11. Underscores the importance of its engagement with the Government of Sudan officials regarding the two proposals made by Chairman of the Transitional Sovereignty Council: i) Ending the war and the establishment of consensually agreed cantonment areas/assembly points; and ii) Restoration of a democratic/civilian-led political transition;
12. Welcomes the expression of willingness by the Chairman of the Transitional Sovereignty Council towards the formation of a civilian-led transitional government;
13. Urges all key Sudanese stakeholders, in particular the two warring parties, to provide support and cooperation to the PSC Presidential Ad Hoc Committee on Sudan which is due to convene its inaugural meeting on 23 October 2024 in Entebbe, Uganda to effectively execute its mandate;
14. Requests the Chairperson of the AU Commission to support the PSC Presidential Ad Hoc Committee; and High-Level Panel on Sudan towards enhancing their engagements with Sudan, IGAD, and its neighboring countries, as well as other relevant stakeholders, in the implementation of the AU Roadmap for the Resolution of the Crisis in Sudan, including its key pillars of a comprehensive and unconditional ceasefire, humanitarian access, and protection of civilians, and report back to the PSC as soon as possible;
15. Acknowledges that Sudan, as a founding member of the AU, is facing dire threats that are likely to stir up a spillover effect in the Continent, and underscores the need to redouble the efforts of the AU to support Sudan and the engagement with it;
16. Takes note of the concern by the Sudanese authorities and stakeholders over the suspension of Sudan from participating in the activities of the AU and its Organs and in this respect, underlines the need for more engagement and communications by the AU with the Sudanese authorities and stakeholders; and looks forward to informal discussions between the Council and the representatives of the Government of the Republic of Sudan;
17. Requests the Chairperson of the AU Commission to reopen the AU Liaison Office to Sudan, in Port Sudan, with minimum staffing, taking into consideration the prevailing security situation, to inter alia, allow AU’s engagements with the stakeholders in Sudan at all levels, as well as to provide technical support to Sudan, including through the use of the AU Peace Fund and its Crisis Reserve Facility and requests that any attendant budgetary implications, if any, should be addressed through re-allocation;
18. Expresses deep appreciation to the Sudanese authorities and particularly to H.E. Lieutenant General Abdel Fattah Al Burhan, Chairman of the Transitional Sovereignty Council and Commander of the Sudanese Armed Forces, for welcoming the field visit of the PSC, for the hospitality and for facilitating the PSC engagements with various Sudanese stakeholders in Port Sudan; and
19. Decides to remain actively seized of the matter.
B. On the Engagements in Cairo
The Peace and Security Council,
1. Welcomes the fruitful consultations with H.E. Ahmed Aboul Gheit, Secretary-General of the League of Arab States, and looks forward to continuing the engagement between the two organizations;
2. Also welcomes the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding between the AU Commission and the Egyptian Peacekeeping Operations Training Center (EPOTC)- an AU Center of Excellence, which will support the ongoing AU efforts to continuously strengthen the capacities of the AU peace support operations; and
3. Expresses appreciation for the fruitful discussions the Council held with H.E. Dr. Badr Abdelatty, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Emigration and Egyptian Expatriates of the Arab Republic of Egypt;
4. Also expresses appreciation to the Government of the Arab Republic of Egypt for the hospitality and for facilitating the engagements of the PSC.