Adopted by the Peace and Security Council (PSC) of the African Union (AU) at its 1218th meeting, held at the level of Heads of State and Government, on 21 June 2024, on Consideration of the Situation in Sudan.
The Peace and Security Council,
Recalling its previous decisions and pronouncements on the situation in Sudan, in particular, Communiques[PSC/MIN/COMM.1185 (2023)] adopted at its 1185th meeting held on 15 November 2023; [PSC/HoSG/COMM.1156 (2023)], adopted by the PSC at its 1156th meeting held at the level of Heads of State and Government on 27 May 2023; [PSC/PR/COMM.1149 (2023)] adopted at its 1149th meeting held on 16 April 2023; and Press Statements[PSC/PR/BR.1213 (2024)] adopted at its 1213th meeting held on 21 May 2024; and [PSC/PR/BR.1154 (2023)] adopted at its 1154th meeting held on 16 May 2023;
Reaffirming the continued commitment of the AU to respect the sovereignty, territorial integrity, national unity and independence of the Republic of Sudan;
Reiterating its solidarity with the people of Sudan in their legitimate aspiration for the restoration of constitutional order through a democratic, inclusive and civilian-led government;
Noting the opening remarks by H.E. Yoweri Kaguta Museveni, President of the Republic of Uganda and Chairperson of the Peace and Security Council of the African Union (AU) for the month of June 2024, the briefing by H.E. Moussa Faki Mahamat, Chairperson of the AU Commission; the presentation by Dr. Mohamed Ibn Chambas, Chair of the AU High-Level Panel on Sudan and the statement presented on behalf of H.E. António Guterres, Secretary-General of the United Nations; also noting the statements by H.E Workneh Gebeyehu, Executive Secretary of the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD), as well as by H.E. Ahmed Aboul Gheit, Executive Secretary of the League of Arab States; and
Acting under Article 7 of its Protocol, the Peace and Security Council:
1. Strongly condemns the ongoing war in Sudan and its adverse impact on the Sudanese people and the Region; and its attendant violations of human rights, International Human Rights Law and International Humanitarian law (IHL/IHRL);
2. Demands that the warring parties, namely the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) and the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF), immediately stop the fighting and prioritize the interests of Sudan and its people;
3. Expresses grave concern over the unprecedented catastrophic humanitarian situation, indiscriminate killings of innocent civilians, and wanton destruction of infrastructure, including hospitals, schools, water purification and electricity generation plants, as well as the facilities of diplomatic missions, in clear violation of IHL and IHRL and the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations;
4. Expresses deep concern over the continuation of violence in different regions of Sudan, particularly in Khartoum/Omdurman area; in Darfur especially in El Fasher; Al Gezira and Kordofan states, and warns against the potential dangerous ethnic and communal repercussions of the conflict;
5. Further underscores the importance of ensuring the protection of the Sudanese state, its institutions and its people;
6. Emphasizes that there is no viable and sustainable military solution to the conflict; and that only a genuine inclusive dialogue can lead to a sustainable solution to the current situation;
7. Once again, demands as a matter of urgency that the belligerents immediately and unconditionally ceasefire in order to return to negotiations and end the suffering of the Sudanese people;
8. Strongly calls upon the warring parties to grant humanitarian access and protection to humanitarian workers, for the provision of emergency humanitarian assistance to the needy population, particularly women, children, the aged and other vulnerable populations caught up in the conflict, without delay, and without pre-conditions, in line with international humanitarian law and practice on the protection of civilians, humanitarian and health workers and objects and recalls, in this context, the UN Security Council Resolution 2736(2024) demanding the lifting of the siege on El Fasher;
9. Denounces, in the strongest terms possible, the alleged rampant commission of atrocity crimes as a result of the conflict among the belligerents in gross violation of the AU legal instruments of human and people’s rights, as well as international humanitarian law and human rights law, and mandates the African Union and its relevant Organs, in collaboration with the High-Level Panel on Sudan and IGAD, to henceforth, regularly monitor and report such heinous crimes committed throughout Sudan, in order to put in place preventive measures and reduce the risk of recurrence; develop proposals on how to address them to prevent their further escalation, as well as develop a plan for the protection of civilians; and warns that the perpetrators will be held accountable;
10. Takes note of, with appreciation, the briefing by the Chairperson of the Commission on the measures being taken to resolve the conflict in Sudan; and reaffirms the continued relevance of the AU Roadmap on the Resolution of the Conflict in Sudan, which was adopted by the Council through its Communique [PSC/HoSG/COMM.1156 (2023)] on 27 May 2023; in this regard, calls for renewed and accelerated action by all parties, national stakeholders, regional actors, and the international community towards the realization of the six (6) pillars in the AU Roadmap;
11. Commends the efforts being taken by the Chairperson of the Commission, through the AU High-Level Panel on Sudan, in collaboration with IGAD, in convening the forthcoming all-inclusive Sudan political dialogue process in Addis Ababa on 10 to 15 July 2024, and urges all Sudanese actors to actively support the Political Dialogue towards a durable people-driven solution to the conflict and restoration of constitutional democratic order in Sudan for a brighter future;
12. Welcomes the efforts made by H.E. Ismail Omar Guelleh, President of the Republic of Djibouti and Chairperson of IGAD, on his efforts to find a negotiated solution to the crisis in Sudan;
13. Stresses that an acceptable ceasefire can only be reached through direct negotiations between the key actors in the war and, in this regard, directs the Chairperson of the AU Commission to urgently set up a PSC Ad–-hoc Presidential Committee comprising one Head of State and Government from each region of the Continent and led by H.E. Yoweri Kaguta Museveni, President of the Republic of Uganda, and Chairperson of the PSC for June 2024, to facilitate face–to–face engagements between the leaders of the Sudanese Armed Forces and the Rapid Support Forces, at the shortest possible time;
14. Calls upon the Chairman of the Transitional Sovereignty Council, and the Commander of the Rapid Support Forces to meet under the auspices of AU and IGAD and without further delay;
15. Expresses appreciation to the neighboring countries of Sudan who have borne the brunt of hosting and supporting millions of refugees from Sudan for their continued collaboration with the AU and IGAD to find lasting solutions on all aspects of the conflict and its resolution; appeals to all partners and Member States in a position to do so, to provide humanitarian support to the people of Sudan and to neighbouring states that are hosting large numbers of Sudanese refugees and calls on donors to fulfill their pledges made during the High-level Pledging Event to Support the Humanitarian Response in Sudan and the Region held in Geneva, Switzerland on 19 June 2023, and the International Humanitarian Conference for Sudan and its Neighbours convened in Paris, France, on 15 April 2024;
16. Expresses appreciation to the efforts undertaken by neighbouring countries, in coordination with the AU and IGAD, to facilitate the promotion of peace in Sudan, including the ongoing efforts by the Arab Republic of Egypt to facilitate the dialogue among Sudanese actors, scheduled to be held early July 2024 in Cairo, Egypt, to complement the ongoing efforts to convene the AU/IGAD-led Inclusive Dialogue;
17. Particularly commends the United Nations and League of Arab States for their efforts in promoting peace in Sudan and encourages the international community to extend full support to the AU/IGAD Political Dialogue process;
18. Reiterates its concern for the proliferation of mediation and peace initiatives; and underlines the importance of enhanced coordination and complementarity of peace efforts through the AU, IGAD and neighbouring countries collaboration and re-emphasizes the imperative for all stakeholders to work in an inclusive, coordinated, and synchronized manner through the existing AU-established coordinating mechanism - the Expanded Mechanism and its Core Group for the Resolution of the Crisis in Sudan;
19. Condemns all forms of external interference, which is fuelling the conflict, in flagrant violation of all relevant PSC Communiques and UN Security Council Resolutions, in particular Resolution 1556 (2004), and while reiterating the demand that they cease doing so immediately, demands that all actors including, states and non-state entities, to stop any military and financial support to the belligerents that is further worsening the conflict in Sudan; in this regard, directs the PSC Sub-Committee on Sanctions to liaise with the AU Commission and the Committee of Intelligence and Security Services of Africa (CISSA) to identify all external actors supporting the warring factions militarily, financially and politically, as well as make proposals on how to contain each of them within a stipulated timeframe not exceeding three (3) months from June 2024;
20. Emphasizes the need to ensure the protection of civilians in Sudan and, in this regard, requests the AU Commission, in coordination with the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights (ACHPR), to investigate and make recommendations to the PSC on practical measures to be undertaken for the protection of civilians;
21. Proposes the convening of an extraordinary summit of the AU to consider the situation in Sudan; and, in this regard, requests the AU Commission, in consultation with the Chairperson of the Union, to consult on the date and venue of the aforementioned extraordinary summit;
22. Requests the AU Commission to urgently transmit this Communique to the African Members of the UN Security Council as a working document with a view to ensuring enhanced coordination and harmonization of efforts in Sudan;
23. Decides to remain actively seized of the matter.