2022 SHCC Sudan Factsheet
The Safeguarding Health in Conflict Coalition (SHCC) identified 53 incidents of violence against or obstruction of health care in Sudan in 2022. In these incidents, 11 health workers were killed and 22 others injured, and hospitals were raided or forcibly entered at least 22 times, impacting healthcare providers’ ability to maintain safe staffing levels and patient care.
Sudan’s Doctors Falsely Accused of Siding with the RSF
This brief discusses widely viewed social media posts shared in Sudan between 15 April and 21 May 2023 which show that dominant social media account holders supporting the SAF attacked the Sudanese Doctors Syndicate for its neutral position in the armed conflict and accused the organisation of being partial towards the RSF and collaborating with the so-called “Janjaweed” militia. In some instances, social media users also threatened the syndicate with violent reprisals for its perceived support for the RSF.
Documented incidents
27 June 2023: In Zalingei town, Central Darfur state, RSF soldiers attacked government buildings, including the Ministry of Health, and the Zalingei Hospital. Source: Radio Dabanga
30 June 2023: In Drushab suburb, Khartoum North city, Khartoum state, a laboratory specialist was killed and patients beaten in an attack on the Shaheed Hospital by the RSF soldiers. The hospital laboratory was also burned down and four doctors and a pharmacist were also reportedly killed. Source: Dubai Eye, News Breezer, Personal Communication I, Personal Communication II and Sudan Tribune
As reported on 02 July 2023: In Zalingei town, Central Darfur state, RSF soldiers raided and looted the Zalingei Teaching Hospital. Source: Personal Communication I
As reported on 03 July 2023: In Omdurman city, Khartoum state, RSF besieged the Aliaa Military Hospital, where former president Omar Al-Bashir and his three aides are being treated. Sources:
Alarabiya, Middle East Eye and The New Arab
As reported on 03 July 2023: In Khartoum state, RSF soldiers killed a second year student of the Faculty of Medical Laboratories, Al Hayat University. Source: Personal Communication I
04 July 2023: In Omdurman city, Khartoum state, a Health Ministry employee was killed when he was hit by a bullet whilst inside the MSF-supported Saudi Maternity Hospital. The hospital was subsequently closed, with staff looking for a safer place to resume services. Source: MSF Sudan
07 July 2023: In Bara town and district, North Kordofan state, an unspecified number of health facilities were destroyed and 35 vehicles were looted from a market by the RSF. Source: ACLED 08 July 2023: In South Darfur state, the Reproductive Health Department was looted. Source:
Sudan Social Development Organization
08 July 2023: In Nyala city, South Darfur state, the Nyala Teaching Hospital resumed services to provide medical services to residents following two weeks of suspension. Source: Darfur 24