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ACT/Caritas Appeal Darfur – 2015 Programme SDN151, EA 36/2014


Appeal Target: US$ 6,835,398 / € 5,257,998.

The 2015 Darfur Programme (DP) Appeal is the 12th annual appeal since the start of the collaboration between Caritas Internationalis (CI) and ACT Alliance (ACT) in 2004. Over these years the DP has been effectively responding to the humanitarian crisis that has crippled the Darfur region, leaving majority of the population living in poverty, many stripped of their homes and livelihoods assets.

Today it is estimated by United Nations Office for Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) the conflict, which has continued changing in nature and complexity, has now resulted in there being approximately 2,5 million are Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) and 4,4 million people are in need of humanitarian assistance in the region (OCHA, 31st Oct 2014). This is the highest number of IDPs since the 2004, and the pressure on existing camps and basic service facilities is immense.

The following areas are of key importance in 2015: continue strengthening partner capacity, reduce geographical scope of the programme, focus sectoral interventions, promote greater synergy, and a structural review.