Appeal Target: US$ 660,450
Geneva, 10 January 2000
Dear Colleagues,
Bahr El Ghazal with its estimated population of 2.2 million has over the years been devastated by civil war, drought, famine and occasional floods. In December 1997 hunger was widespread and forced many people to abandon their homes in search of food. Many arrived in Wau, the capital city, or neighbouring villages where several humanitarian agencies were involved in providing relief to these internally displaced persons (IDPs).
The following proposal from Sudan Council of Churches (SCC) and Norwegian Church Aid (NCA) is a continuation of the ACT appeal AFSD83, which closed on 31 December 99. The appeal was issued in response to the dire situation of the IDPs at the time, many of whom were starving and many died either en route or upon arrival. However, due to the efforts of humanitarian agencies, many lives were saved but needs are still very much evident in the 4 IDP camps surrounding Wau.
The program components and financial status of the Appeal are as follows:
- Shelter
- Nutrition
- Health Care
- Agriculture
- Education
- Repatriation
ACT is a worldwide network of churches and related agencies meeting human need through coordinated emergency response.
The ACT Coordinating Office is based with the World Council of Churches (WCC) and the Lutheran World Federation (LWF) in Switzerland.
Total Appeal Target: US$ 660,450
Less: Pledges/Contributions Received: 460,000
Less: Requested Carry Forward Balance from AFSD83
- Cash: 100,915
- In-kind (food & non-food): 20,000
Balance Requested from ACT network: 79,535
Please kindly send your contributions to the ACT bank account and inform this office of all pledges/contributions and transfers, including funds sent direct to the implementers. Please note the Pledge Form is no longer attached with the Appeal.
Account Number - 102539/0.01.61
Banque Edouard Constant
Cours de Rive 11
Case postale 3754
1211 Genève 3
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