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Sudan + 4 more

2014 Revised Strategic Response Plan (June 2014)



Substantial humanitarian action is urgently required in Sudan in 2014.Overall, a total of 6.9 million people are in need of humanitarian assistance including life-saving interventions, protection from conflict and violence, strengthening household and community coping mechanisms and, where conditions permit, supporting longer-term solutions to the plight of internally displaced people (IDPs) and refugees.

Strategic objectives
The UN and partners have agreed on the following strategic objectives for 2014:

Saving Lives: Reduction of morbidity and mortality rates to below emergency thresholds and improvement in well-being.

Protection: Conflict-affected and displaced persons are more effectively protected from violence and exploitation.

Resilience: The most vulnerable households, groups and communities are better able to mitigate risk and withstand shocks and stresses.

Durable Solutions: Progress towards durable solutions is achieved for IDPs and affected communities in targeted localities.

Priority actions
As outlined in the individual sector response plans, the eleven sectors in Sudan have planned a set of complementary activities under each of the strategic objectives. Key priority actions for 2014 remain:

• Improving emergency preparedness and responding promptly to new crises of displacement.

• Addressing the extremely high levels of malnutrition and tackling the underlying public health issues driving these.

• Enhancing the security of conflict-affected populations.

• Facilitating better access to essential services in camps and host communities.

• Reducing food insecurity and increasing household economic autonomy.

• Re-establishing humanitarian presence in currently inaccessible areas of South Kordofan, Blue Nile, and the Darfur region initially to achieve comprehensive vaccination coverage.


UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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