During 2022, the region was hit with a series of natural disasters and extreme weather events, as well as political and economic crises. 7.2 million people were affected by the worst floods in north-eastern Bangladesh in over 100 years. India experienced multiple extreme weather events, which claimed 3,006 lives and damaged 423,249 houses. In Pakistan, torrential rains led to a record flood that affected 33 million people and displaced 8 million people. In Sri Lanka, the rapidly unfolding economic crisis particularly impacted the poorest and most marginalized populations. Afghanistan remains one of the world’s most severe humanitarian crisis, with multidimensional drivers of need, including drought, natural disasters, economic shocks, disease outbreaks, and protection threats, particularly for women and girls.
In response to the multiple crises in the region, UNICEF ROSA supported 41 surge support and technical missions to emergency affected countries, including Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka. Overall, the regional office worked closely with all eight country offices in the region to reach approximately 80 million children in need of humanitarian support
UNICEF ROSA supported country offices to provide life-saving services to over 1 million children affected by emergencies in Bhutan, the Maldives and Sri Lanka.