Inclement weather conditions experienced during the past week had caused flooding and minor earth slips in many parts of the country. Incessant rains had resulted in the sudden increase of water levels in tanks and reservoirs. Increased water levels had posed a threat to some tanks as their bunds had showed signs of breech and leakage. Timely action by Sri Lanka Army troops to attend to such emergency situations had prevented such leakages becoming disasters.
According to Army media, Army troops under Security Force Headquarters-Mullaitivu (SFHQ-MLT) had rushed to attend to a leak in the Ilappakulam tank bund in Palampasi Grama Niladhari division, last week (15). Troops, with the assistance of State officials and villagers took steps to block the breech and avert a possible major disaster.
Meanwhile, troops rendered assistance to clear flood debris which had clogged and blocked the flow of the Koskotuoya stream in Mawathagama on Sunday (18). Timely action on the part of the troops had enabled the smooth flow of water in the stream.