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Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka: Kilinochchi, Mullaitivu, Vavuniya, Mannar, Trincomalee, Batticaloa & Ampara Situation Report #78


COLOMBO, 14 June 2007 - The final field draft of the Mid-Year Review (MYR) of the Common Humanitarian Action Plan (CHAP) 2007, which was approved by the IASC Country team after consultations with the Government, was presented to the donor community in Colombo on 14 June. Representatives of 14 donor nations, EC Delegation and ECHO attended. Sectors introduced their findings and suggestions. The ICRC presented its new Budget Extension Appeal at the same meeting.

Highlights of the CHAP 2007:

- In January, 72 CHAP projects asked for some $65 million;

- $46.3 million were received including 8.9 from CERF;

- More than $40.5 million were actually spent by the end of May;

- The Mid-Year Review now introduces 82 revised projects of 38 agencies which require fresh funding totaling $61.8 million;

The Global Launch of the MYR is scheduled for 17 July in Geneva.


Situation update

Shelling continued in areas closer to the Forward Defence Lines, Poonakary and Vadamarachchi East over the last week.

Internally Displaced Persons

There were no major changes in IDP statistics as the IDP population has mostly stabilized except in areas of new fighting and in cases of IDP secondary displacement related mostly to the search for sustainable livelihood. UNHCR collected following information through GA offices:

According to the AGA Karachchi 71 families (184 individuals) were displaced from Mannar (Madhu), Jaffna (Different AGA division - movement through the lagoon by boat) and Kilinochchi (Poonakary division) to Karachchi division during the month of May.

Sector Response


UNHCR implementing partner UNOPS distributed shelter material to 71 families in Karachchi AGA division All 71 shelters were erected and 66 roofs were thatched.

UNHCR, together with FORUT distributed shelter material to 72 families in Thunukkai AGA division. 15 shelters were erected and ten roofs were thatched.

Oxfam through its partners started the construction of 127 temporary shelters while shelter material is been distributed for 160 shelters in Mullaitivu.

On 05 June, three IDP settlements were cleaned by residents while OXFAM gave prizes for well-cleaned temporary shelters.


UNICEF started the implementation of its NRP [Nutrition Rehabilitation Programme] in Puthukkudiyiruppu division-Mullaitivu district. As a part of this programme, nutrition screening for children less than five years is been done in 28 centers out of a planned 50 centers. UNICEF is preparing to implement the NRP programme in all six MOH [Medical Officer for Health] areas where over 18,000 children will be screened.


On 12 June, UNICEF distributed stationeries including 'school in a box kit' to 256 IDP children from four schools in Manthai East and Oddusuddan AGA divisions of Mullaitivu district.


The distribution of the 19th and 20th week's WFP dry ration is on going in Kilinochchi. Nearly 10,652 families (39,615 persons) benefit from this programme in Kilinochchi.

On 11 June, the Danish Refugee Council (DRC) provided supplementary food packages to 70 IDP families living in Akkarayan and Konavil Villages-Kilinochchi district. On 12 June, nine families who fled from the Madhu areas to the Vinayagapuram School (Mallavi-Mullaitivu) were given supplementary food packs by DRC.


On 11 July, NPA (Norwegian People Aid) destroyed 288 land mines in Paranthan and 534 UXOs in Thadduvankoddy-Kilinochchi.

During reporting period, UNICEF organized mine awareness programmes at several locations such as Panankamam, Kanagarayankulam, Mankulam and Tharmapuram for over 500 persons in the districts.


On 09 June, UNICEF distributed 221 child and 172 adult hygiene kits to 393 IDP children in four schools in Manthai East AGA division-Mullaitivu district.

On 11 June 70 IDPs families living in Akkarayan and Konavil Villages-Kilinochchi district were assisted by DRC through its hygiene kits provision while nine families accommodated in Vinayagapuram School [in Mallavi-Mullaitivu] were given NFRI and tarpaulin sheets by DRC on 12 June.

On 12 June, UNICEF provided furniture and musical instruments to KAROD [Kilinochchi District Association for Rehabilitation of Differently Able]. UNICEF also gave WWDF (Working Women Development Forum) musical instruments to meet the needs in eight child friendly spaces in Mullaitivu.