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Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka: Flood situation - Jun 2008

Due to torrential rainresulting from the South West monsoon, some districts of the western, Southern and Sabaragamuwa of Sri Lanka have been experiencing flood situation since 30th May 2008. The most effected districts are Colombo,Gampaha, Kalutara, Ratnapura, Kegalle, Galle and Matara. Also a land slide has occured at the Ambagamuwa Korale, Bulathsinhala, Eheliyagoda, Warakapola and Ratnapura Divisional secretariates.

Floods have caused immense damage to affected areas, interrupting all economic and social activities. It is also reported that there are tremendous damages to infrastructure facilities in the areas. Around families 94,500 consisting of 418,354 have been affected and 23 deaths were reported by District authorities. Most of affected people have been settled temporary camps located at schools, charity organizations and community centers of the affected areas. The victims are suffering untold hardships, as their settlement were destroyed by washed out flood water.

The District and Divisional Secretaries of the affected areas have been instructed to take whatever action for protecting the people affected and to providing the emergency needs of the victims. A sum of Rs. 27 Million has been released to relevant District secretaries to provide emergency needs of the victims. The arrangement will be made to release further funds to the relevant district secretaries providing basic need of the affected people on the request by District Secretaries.

However, the situation is arising to continue emergency relief assistance programme as affected people are unable to provide thair meals due to interrupting their all income earning activities. The Government unable to fulfill all needs of the victims due to financial constrain. In this juncture, it is therefore highly appriciated if you can make arrangements to provide the following items to the Ministry of Resettlement and Disaster Relief Services for meeting immediate essential requirements of the Flood victims.Please contact

Please see attached Full report for detailed figures.