Informing humanitarians worldwide 24/7 — a service provided by UN OCHA

Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka Annual Report 2013 (MAALK002)



IFRC has continued supporting institutional reforms initiated by SLRCS to reposition the organization and empower its branches. The Re-Engineering, initiated by the National Society three years ago, has moved into a strategic ‘Beyond Re-Engineering’ phase, described by SLRCS as ‘The Way Forward’. The objective now is to focus on gaps to strengthen sustainability of Red Cross programming. A series of consultative meetings have been held to analyse capacities, weaknesses, opportunities and challenges faced by the National Society, and based on the outcomes of these reflections SLRCS drafted a new strategic plan which articulates SLRCS vision and priorities for 2014-2016. The draft will be presented for approval to the Central Governing Board in 2014.

A significant work was undertaken to refine SLRCS disaster preparedness and response framework.
Contingency plans have been updated at national and sub-national levels. IFRC supported re-training of SLRCS national and branch disaster response teams. With generous support of the Hong Kong Branch of China Red Cross (HKRC), SLRCS replenished its contingency stocks.

The integrated programme for community safety and resilience (IPCR), which was launched in 2012, continued in 10 of the island’s 25 districts. The programme supports a number of community-led initiatives addressing various risks posed by natural and human-made hazards, poor hygiene, inadequate water and sanitation facilities, malnutrition and diseases. To date, the programme has reached over 150,000 people. A midterm review has been initiated to gauge the relevance and effectiveness of the methodology adopted by the programme. Recommendations of the review will shape the future of the programme before expanding it to new communities in 2014. In the areas targeted by the programme, SLRCS established a number of new units and community mobilization efforts have been initiated too to expand the Red Cross base of members and volunteers.