The Federal Foreign Office has provided
the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)
with 400,000 euro for humanitarian aid measures in Sri Lanka.
Following the signing of the ceasefire
between the Government of Sri Lanka and the Liberation Tigers of Tamil
Eelam (LTTE) on 23 February 2002, international efforts have been centred
on the return and reintegration of a total of 800,000 internally displaced
persons (IDPs) in Sri Lanka and 100,000 refugees in southern India.
The funds placed at the disposal of the UNHCR by the Federal Foreign Office will be used mainly for projects in the areas of health care and reintegration of IDPs and returning refugees. There will also be support for protective measures to ensure that repatriation and resettlement are carried out on a voluntary basis.
In making this contribution, the Federal Foreign Office is underlining the Federal Government's support for the peace process in Sri Lanka.