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Sri Lanka

ERD expands work in Sri Lanka following tsunami

Episcopal Relief and Development's long-term rehabilitation program in Sri Lanka is assisting people recovering after the tsunami. The disaster demolished approximately 70% of the country's coastline. In Sri Lanka alone, the tsunami killed 44,000 people and injured 15,000 others. More than half a million people were displaced.

ERD is partnering with the Diocese of Colombo, Church of Ceylon, to rebuild and restore lives. Our program is repairing homes, purchasing boats and nets, training fishermen, and protecting and educating children.

Our long-term program is also working with Anglican and ecumenical partners in devastated communities in India and Indonesia.

"The first of three fishing yards was inaugurated after eight fishing canoes were built with ERD's support through the Diocese of Colombo," said Kirsten Laursen, ERD's Interim Director of South Asia Programs. "The first boatyard was opened in Hambantota, where ERD's assistance has been repairing damaged boats since February. In addition to getting fishermen back out to sea, the boatyards have upgraded the skills and local capacity of more than 20 local people who are now employed there," said Laursen.

ERD's multi-year program is repairing 500 homes and supporting trauma counseling and psychosocial care. We are helping 3,000 children return to school and providing supplies and uniforms. ERD is supplying over 100 canoes, boats, and fishing nets to fishermen. We are providing funds for 300 to 400 small businesses to replace their tools and equipment. We have distributed more than 500 bicycles to help people get to work, school, and into town.

For more information about our long-term rebuilding programs in Sri Lanka, please visit ERD's Tsunami Response Center.

Episcopal Relief and Development, an independent 501(c) 3 organization, saves lives and builds hope in communities around the world. We provide emergency assistance in times of crisis and rebuild after disasters. We work with local communities to provide food and health care and enable children and families to climb out of poverty.