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Sri Lanka

Epidemiology Unit, Ministry of Health: Dengue Update, 04 November 2019


Last Updated on Monday, 04 November 2019 10:17

For the year 2018, 51,659 and in the month of November, 2019, 63,399 suspected dengue cases were reported to the Epidemiology Unit from all over the island. Latest Disease Trends.

Approximately 46.6% of dengue cases were reported from the Western province. The highest numbers of dengue cases were reported during the 29th week of 2017.

The outbreak situation in 2017 warranted extensive and regular removal of possible mosquito breeding sites from the environment, along with strengthened patient education on management of fever which resulted in a relatively low mortality.

It is very important to seek medical attention in the event of fever and to do relevant laboratory investigations at least by day three of the illness.