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Sri Lanka

Enhancing community response on Early Warning

President of the SLRCS Jagath Abeysinghe handing over a rescue boat to the Divisional Secretary of Thawalama

18/01/2012 – Galle, Sri Lanka: According to Early Warning System audit reports, it is evident that the knowledge on risk reduction is very low among communities, those who are living in disaster prone areas in the Gin ganga basin.

Considering the above fact, Galle Branch of the Sri Lanka Red Cross Society commenced risk reduction activities to enhance community capacities that are prone to frequent floods in the Gin Ganga basin targeting two GN divisions in Thawalama & Welivitiya DS divisions. Interest shown by the communities as well as key actors in the villages is absolutely remarkable during interventions.

Under this Risk Reduction Programme, the Sri Lanka Red Cross Society distributed rescue boats, emergency response equipments to the communities of Thawalama & Welivitiya DS divisions yesterday. (17th Jan 2012). Incidentally it was the birthday anniversary of the Sri Lanka Red Cross Society as well.

Chairman of the Sri Lanka Red Cross Society (SLRCS) Jagath Abeysinghe, Head of Sri Lanka Delegation of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, Bob Mckerrow, Chairman of the SLRCS Galle Branch Upali Sirimanne, Divisional Secretaries, Representatives of Galle district Disaster Management Center, Branch Executive Officer, SLRCS programme Manager for Early Warning System Indu Abeyratne and several other officials attached to the Sri Lanka Red Cross Society also took part in distribution ceremony.