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Sri Lanka

Access to examinations: Guidelines for conduct of examinations in emergencies: GCE (Ordinary Level) examinations


1. Introduction

The Department of Examinations (DoE) will conduct the General Certificate of Education, Ordinary Level (G.C.E. O/L) 2019 examination in Sri Lanka from 2nd to 12th December 2019. 717,008 candidates will sit for the examination across 4987 examination centers island-wide. 541 coordinating centers are in operation to manage the examination centers. For the period of the exams, 38 educational divisions have been established.

Over 50,000 officials and invigilators are appointed to ensure the conduct of examinations. Evaluation of answer scripts will take place in two stages from 24th December 2019 to 2nd January 2020 and 17th to 26th January 2020.

Sri Lanka had been ranked second among the countries most affected by extreme weather events within the past 20 years since 1998 in the Global Climate Risk Index 2019. Against this backdrop, it is imperative that disaster risk reduction measures are ensured through a coordinated mechanism in providing safety and security to school children, other candidates and officials involved in the conduct of this national examination.

The Northeast monsoon that could generate intense rain, flooding, landslides and high wind are potential risks which can deny access, delay travel of candidates and disrupt facilities at examination centers. Further precautions against air hazard, lightening, fire, explosions, animal attacks and road accidents are other risks to be addressed.

2. Conduct of Examination

The Commissioner General of Examinations (CGE) will execute the G.C.E. O/L Examinations in liaison with the Provincial Director of Education (PDEs). 38 Educational divisions have been established in the 9 provinces for the purpose of conducting the examinations.

541 Examination Coordinating Centers (ECC) will be directed by the above 38 educational divisions. These Examination Coordinating centers will provide the question papers to the supervisors of 4987 Examination Centers during the morning hours of each examination day. 33 Regional Collecting Centers (RCC) have been established for the collection of answer scripts without any interruptions which will be handed over by the respective ECCs at the end of each day. Safe and timely travel for the officials in transporting the question papers and answer scripts will be vital.

Whilst the examination will be directed by DoE, the implementation will be via the Provincial Educational Offices. Provincial Education Directors of the 9 provinces will have 99 Zonal Education Directors ensuring the operations of the 4987 examination centers.

In preparation and execution of any emergencies during the period the examination, a coordinated effort will be essential. As such, the Disaster Management Centre (DMC) in liaison with Department of Examinations (DoE) has formulated this preparedness and response guidelines as a disaster risk reduction mechanism involving key stakeholders. The Examination Emergencies will be steered by the Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) of the DMC.