More than 750,000 people have been affected by flooding in 27 counties across eight states since May 2021. This is the third year of unprecedented flooding and the devastating flood situation, particularly in areas like Bentiu, Unity State, has aggravated needs for humanitarian assistance.
In the Greater Pibor Administrative Area, the impasse with the youth and suspension of humanitarian operations continues.
The security situation in Tambura, Western Equatoria State, remains highly volatile and due to persistent targeted violence against civilians, a resurgence of clashes in Tambura town and forced recruitments, humanitarian operations have been suspended since October 15.
In The Numbers
2.4 million people WFP plans to assist in October 2021
7.24 million people facing acute food insecurity from April to July 2021.
Of this, 108,000 in IPC 5, 2.4 million in IPC 4, and 4.6 million in IPC 3 (IPC)
1.9 million acutely malnourished women and children (IPC)
1.71 million internally displaced people (OCHA)
2.27 million South Sudanese refugees (UNHCR)
USD 1.5 billion Global Humanitarian Funding Requirement 2021 (USD 671 million for WFP)
USD 568.3 million WFP six month net funding requirement from November 2021 to April 2022
Situation Update
• More than 750,000 people have been affected by flooding in 27 counties across eight states since May 2021. 2021 is the third consecutive year of unprecedented flooding, which has led to displacement, lose of livelihoods, and reliance on humanitarian assistance. The devastating flood situation particularly in Bentiu, Unity State, has aggravated needs for humanitarian assistance and WFP is working on a response mechanism to support new IDPs in Bentiu Town. To date, WFP has supported 284,848 flood-affected people with food and nutrition assistance.
• The Government has allocated US$ 11 million for flood response and WFP is supporting coordination and prioritization to reach the most vulnerable. On October 28, WFP participated in the high-level mission to Jonglei, led by the Humanitarian Coordinator and the Government, which is the areas worst-affected by floods.
• The fall-out following the June 2021 split in the SPLA-IO continues to cause tensions in Upper Nile state. This political uncertainty may delay and affect WFP’s operations in Upper Nile and northern Jonglei in the short term, including flood response and food security data collection.
• In the Greater Pibor Administrative Area, the impasse with the youth and suspension of humanitarian operations continues. Despite issuing a series of letters, the youth group has failed to drop the demand that 80% of employment opportunities be awarded to the local community. In Renk, suspension of humanitarian operations remains one year after affected NGOs were forced to evacuate.
• The security situation in Tambura, Western Equatoria State, remains highly volatile, with persistent targeted violence against civilians, a resurgence of clashes in Tambura town and forced recruitments. Following the withdrawal of humanitarians on October 15 due to clashes, WFP’s distribution in Tambura town remains suspended, and displaced communities in areas such as Nagero and Namutina have not yet been reached.