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South Sudan

WFP South Sudan Situation Report #264, 1 March 2020


In Numbers

6.01 million people facing acute food insecurity from February to April 2020 (IPC)

1.7 million acutely malnourished women and children (IPC)

1.3 million people assisted by WFP in January 2020 1.47 million internally displaced people (OCHA)

2.2 million South Sudanese refugees (UNHCR) 188,528 seeking shelter with the UN (UNMISS)


• The latest Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC) report estimates that 6.01 million people are facing severe food insecurity between now and April.

• On Saturday, 22 February, the Transitional Government of National Unity was formed. The United Nations Secretary-General applauded regional and international efforts that contributed to this outcome.

• A national Coronavirus disease (COVID-2019) task force has been established and documented a preparedness plan. WFP will lead the Logistics and Operations pillar through the Logistics Cluster preparedness unit.

Situation Update

• The Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC) report released on 20 February confirms that severe hunger persists in South Sudan. The IPC update estimates that 6.01 million people are facing severe food insecurity and as many as 40,000 people -- particularly in the flood impacted areas of Ayod, Duk and Akobo counties in Jonglei State-- face IPC Phase 5 Catastrophe food shortages between now and April. Areas in Upper Nile , Jonglei and Northern Bahr el Ghazal states saw further deterioration in food security, driven by floods, macroeconomic factors, and reduced access to markets.

• At the height of the lean season, more than half of the population or 6.5 million people, out of 12 million, are projected to be in IPC Phase 3, Crisis, or worse. The projection of no more pockets of IPC Phase 5 locations assumes large scale assistance between January and May in the three counties.

• The situation in Greater Pibor, Jonglei State, remains tense following intercommunal clashes between Murle and Lou Nuer across the area. Entire villages have been burnt and communities have been forced to flee with some seeking protection at the UNMISS base in Pibor. In Lekuangole, north of Pibor, WFP’s partner reported that the warehouse was torched and stocks looted during the clashes. Around 8,000 people have been displaced by the violence. WFP has provided emergency food assistance to the displaced and is participating in assessment missions to better understand the needs of the affected population.

• United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres welcomed, on Saturday 22 February, the establishment of the Transitional Government of National Unity in South Sudan. The Secretary-General commended the parties for the “significant achievement in the implementation of the Revitalized Agreement on the Resolution of Conflict in South Sudan”. The Secretary-General applauded regional and international efforts that contributed to this outcome.

• Swarms of locusts ravaging crops and grazing land across East Africa have reached South Sudan. In February 2020, the locusts crossed into Southern Magwi County, and Laboni County, both on the border with Uganda. WFP is monitoring the situation closely, the potential impact of locusts on a country that is still grappling with complex conflict, displacement, and severe food insecurity could be devastating.