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South Sudan + 1 more

WFP South Sudan Situation Report #255, 8 October, 2019


In Numbers

4.54 million people facing acute food insecurity from September to December 2019 (IPC)

2.1 million acutely malnourished women and children (HRP)

3.28 million people assisted by WFP in August 2019

1.47 million internally displaced people (OCHA)

2.24 million South Sudanese refugees (UNHCR)

180,478 seeking shelter with the UN (UNMISS)


• October is Awareness and Prevention of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse month for WFP South Sudan Country Office. During this month, everyone working with WFP is called on to do their part to educate themselves and those we work with (our colleagues, communities, partners, authorities) about what Sexual Exploitation and Abuse is, how to prevent it and how to report it.

• South Sudan’s First Vice President Taban Deng Gai addressed the 74th session of the United Nations General Assembly on September 26. The First Vice President highlighted the country’s commitment towards lasting peace and stability.

Situation Update

• South Sudan’s First Vice President Taban Deng Gai addressed the 74th session of the United Nations General Assembly on September 26. The First Vice President highlighted the country’s commitment towards lasting peace and stability. The more stable political environment attributed to the signing of the Revitalized Peace Agreement in September 2018 has allowed for improved delivery of humanitarian assistance to the most vulnerable populations.

• South Sudan’s baseline on internally displaced persons (IDPs) has been reset from 1.83 million individuals to 1.47 million due to a review of IDP datasets maintained by the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs and the International Organization for Migration’s Displacement Tracking Matrix. The new baseline does not reflect the actual change in IDP numbers between July and August, but rather the cumulative effect of the data review. Considering all decreases and increases of IDPs throughout the country, there has been an overall net decrease of 26,302 individuals from July to August 2019.