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South Sudan + 1 more

WFP South Sudan Situation Report #227, 2 September 2018


In Numbers

6 million people facing crisis or emergency levels of acute food insecurity between June-July 2018 (Food Security Situation Update)

2.1 million acutely malnourished women and children (HCT)

3.15 million people assisted by WFP in July 2018

1.76 million internally displaced people (OCHA)

2.47 million South Sudanese refugees (UNHCR)


  • After months without access to areas in the south west of Wau, a WFP team managed to obtain the permits and crossed into Baggari in order to negotiate food and nutrition assistance for affected populations.

  • WFP is supporting the initial preparation for an integrated Ebola preparedness plan through the Logistics Cluster.

  • WFP is asking for US$ 662 million from donors to continue addressing the critical food and nutrition needs of approximately 4.8 million people in South Sudan.

Situation Update

  • WFP finalized its August distributions in all four refugee camps (Yusuf Batil, Kaya, Gendrassa and Doro) in Maban this week, where regular activities have been scaled down due to a recent attack to humanitarian compounds. In partnership with other humanitarian actors, WFP continues to provide lifesaving services to the refugee communities.

  • After months without access to areas south west of Wau, on 22 August a WFP team managed to obtain the permits and crossed into Baggari. The mission negotiated the conditions by which WFP will quickly assist the population with food and nutrition assistance. Capitalizing on the momentum of that mission, WFP is organizing an inter-sectoral team to ensure safe and unhindered access for the wider humanitarian community, so that other life-saving services can be provided.
    Access had been denied after a period of insecurity in June, affecting the provision of humanitarian assistance to an estimated 28,000 people.

  • WFP has provided two weeks of food ration to the group of Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) expelled from the Juba Protection of Civilians site 3 (Juba POC 3). Over 2,500 have been relocated to Mangatem, Juba, after a communal conflict broke out on 13 August. WFP continues to liaise with other agencies to jointly provide the necessary support and discuss a way forward.

  • WFP is seeking donor support to continue addressing the critical food and nutrition needs of approximately 4.8 million people in South Sudan. WFP needs US$ 662 million to timely conduct its 2019 prepositioning exercise as well as just-intime deliveries for the first half of next year

WFP Response

Food and Nutrition Assistance

  • WFP and cooperating partners provided more than 29,000 mt of food and nutrition assistance and USD 2.91 million in cash-based transfers to 3.15 million food and nutrition insecure people in South Sudan during the month of July, the highest number of beneficiaries reached and tonnage distributed in a month so far in 2018. In difficult-to-access areas of Unity, Jonglei and Upper Nile states, WFP reached more than 322,000 severely food and nutrition insecure people through the Integrated Rapid Response Mechanism.

  • WFP continues to strengthen the capacity of partners and government staff in providing quality nutrition programming through a series of capacity building trainings. Together with UNICEF, WFP is currently conducting the joint Community Management of Acute Malnutrition training for nutrition staff at the statelevel Ministry of Health, cooperating partners and field staff from UNICEF and WFP. Training has been completed in the Equatorias, Lakes, Warrap, Northern Bahr El Gazal and Western Bahr el Gazal, and additional training is planned in Jonglei, Upper Nile and Unity for the coming months.

Supply Chain

  • WFP successfully completed accessibility assessments to understand the possibility of using river transportation from Gambella, in Ethiopia, to Pibor in South Sudan. The route should be available for river transport and WFP is now planning an initial convoy exercise loaded with food commodities for the coming month. Currently, Pibor area has been supplied by air due to either physical access constraints or insecurity. With the aim of expanding river transport in South Sudan and thus reducing operational costs, WFP is exploring several access routes that connect to hard-to -reach areas.


  • As part of the efforts to strengthen compliance to WFP implementation standards countrywide, the Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E) function conducted distribution monitoring in one RRM location last week (Akobo), and deployed a team to Renk (Maban) to cover the monitoring assignment of nutrition sites while Maban teams continue to be relocated in Juba. Additionally, M&E supported a biometric registration exercise of internally displaced people in Bor, as well as a stock verification exercise of partners’ warehouses, in Juba and Yambio.