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South Sudan

WFP South Sudan Situation Report #207, 15 December 2017


Highlights - The 2018 Humanitarian Response Plan for South Sudan, launched on 13 December, indicates that 7 million people–well over half the population– are in need of humanitarian assistance.

  • Findings from the WFP Juba Urban Food Security Assessment shows that 76 percent of the households are food insecure, indicating a sharp deterioration compared to last year’s results.

  • WFP completed the annual School Meal baseline assessment survey in 654 schools across the country.

2018 Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP) for South Sudan was launched on 13 December by the Minister of Humanitarian Affairs and Disaster Management and the Humanitarian Coordinator for South Sudan. The 2018 outlook is dire with 7 million people in need of assistance. This does not include the 2 million South Sudanese refugees residing in neighbouring countries. The HRP aims to provide food and livelihoods support to 6 million people. The response has been budgeted at USD 1.7 billion out of which WFP requires USD 830 million. The HRP is produced on a yearly basis by OCHA on behalf of the Humanitarian Country Team and partners.

Starting in January 2018, WFP South Sudan will implement an Interim Country Strategic Plan (ICSP) under which all current individual projects will become activities. Through the three-year ICSP, WFP plans to support to 4.4 million people per year, and will continue to lead the lifesaving humanitarian food response, leveraging its presence and operational capacity to support multi-sectoral response and for peace-building objective. In 2017, WFP assisted a total of 4.6 million people across the country.

Findings from the Juba Urban Food Security Assessment conducted by WFP and partners in September 2017 indicate that 76 percent of the households are food insecure. Among them, 21 percent are severely food insecure. This signifies a deterioration of the situation from September 2016, when 51 percent of the population was food insecure and 3 percent were severely food insecure. Only about a fifth of the households were found to have acceptable food consumption.

The Global and the South Sudan Nutrition Cluster, including WFP and UNICEF, conducted a five-day training on strengthening coordination at the state cluster level. Participants of the training included representatives from the Ministry of Health, nutrition focal points, and staff members of various nongovernmental organizations.

WFP Gender and Protection section participated in a mission to Yida. The objective of the mission to Yida was two-fold: firstly to provide WFP and cooperating partner staff with a one day training session on gender, protection and accountability to affected populations. This included a component on the establishment of project management committees and the implementation of the WFP complaints and feedback mechanism (CFM). Secondly to participate in consultations with women only and men only focus group discussions to document the gender and protection related needs within the scope of WFP assistance. In addition, WFP introduced its CFM to cooperating partners working in the context of general food distribution and established and trained project management committees.