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South Sudan

WFP South Sudan Situation Report #205, 2 December 2017



  • WFP strongly condemns violence against civilians and humanitarian workers in the most recent fighting in Duk Payuel village.
  • WFP, alongside FAO and the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security kicked off a state level training workshop on the fall army worm (FAW).
  • WFP and partners commemorate the 2017 World Aids Day under the theme “Right to Health”.

Situation Update

  • On 28 November, fighting in Duk Payuel village in Duk County resulted in at least 45 people killed, including five staff members of two WFP cooperating partners. WFP strongly condemns violence against civilians and humanitarian workers. An inter-agency needs assessment is planned for early next week. This attack brings to 92 the number of aid workers killed in South Sudan since the beginning of the December 2013 crisis, including at least 25 killed in 2017 (OCHA).
  • UN Cares in South Sudan commemorated the 2017 World Aids Day under the theme “Right to Health”. The main purpose of the event is to promote awareness of HIV/AIDS among the UN community and encourage voluntary counselling and testing. The commemoration activities started on 18 November with various health promotion activities, sporting events and competitions and closed on 30 November with attendance of Special Representative of the Sectary General (SRSG) David Shearer and other UN officials. WFP partnered with UNAIDS, UNFPA, UNMISS and the Ministry of Health as well as WHO to provide free self-screening tests for TB, Malaria screening, HIV tests, fasting blood sugar, blood pressure and cholesterol tests as well as cervical cancer tests to all national and international staff. In addition, WFP staff participated in the sporting activities and won the Table Tennis tournament and ranked second in the 10km run.
  • WFP provided a presentation on addressing, preventing and combating gender-based violence (GBV) within the context of the series of capacity building presentations it conducted for the Food Security and Livelihood Cluster. The theme of the series of presentations which began in May 2017 is Accountability to Affected Populations. WFP shared examples of awareness raising initiatives on GBV it has conducted across the country. The initiative has targeted WFP and cooperating partner staff and project management committees. WFP also used this opportunity to introduce the WFP Complaints and Feedback Mechanisms and how data collected is used to inform the design of programme and activities to mitigate and combat GBV.
  • WFP along with UNICEF, WHO, and other nutrition partners participated in the Ministry of Health (MoH) Annual Nutrition Review and Planning Meeting where the current achievements, gaps, lessons learnt and plans for 2018 were discussed. The outcome of the discussions will feed into the annual National Nutrition Plan which sets the targets for nutrition activities in the country.
  • WFP and partners participated in the General Education Annual Review for 2017. WFP held a presentation on school meals, discussing activities, achievements and challenges. The presentation also included a section on WFP’s expertise on technical assistance supporting governments to transition to national ownership of school meals programmes.