In Numbers
1.85 million internally displaced people (OCHA)
1.5 million South Sudanese refugees (UNHCR) 223,926 seeking shelter with the UN (UNMISS)
4.6 million people projected to require food assistance from January—April 2017 (WFP estimate)
Humanitarian partners appeal for US$1.6 billion to provide lifesaving humanitarian assistance for 5.8 million people in South Sudan this year.
Integrated rapid response mechanism (IRRM) teams completed a round of life-saving food distributions in Mayendit county for over 100,000 people, including 21,000 children.
Insecurity hampers movem
The 2017 Humanitarian Response Plan has been released identifying 7.5 million people in need of humanitarian assistance this year. Humanitarian partners are appealing for US$ 1.6 billion to provide lifesaving assistance and protection services for 5.8 million of the most vulnerable people. As compared to last year, needs have risen by 1.4 million people which highlights the worsening humanitarian crisis in South Sudan after more than three years of conflict. Food security and livelihood partners estimate that more than 5 million people will be in urgent need of food assistance and livelihoods support during the coming lean season, which typically lasts from May to August. This includes more than 300,000 refugees seeking shelter in South Sudan.
WFP’s latest market monitoring bullet highlights that macroeconomic pressures continue to affect households’ purchasing power. Shortages and depreciation of local currency, coupled with rising cereal prices and shortages of imported commodities in local markets are affecting the food security of households and increasing vulnerability.