In Numbers
1.83 million internally displaced people (OCHA)
1,291,323 South Sudanese refugees (UNHCR)
223,994 seeking shelter with the UN (UNMISS)
4.6 million people projected to require food assistance from January—April 2017 (WFP estimate)
In response to ongoing fighting in Upper Nile, WFP is preparing a response to assist recently displaced populations.
The 2017 prepositioning plan has been finalized through which WFP aims to deliver 114,000mt of food to secure locations throughout the country over the next four months.
WFP is closely monitoring the security situation in Upper Nile where heavy fighting has been reported leading to the displacement of the local population. WFP and World Vision are planning to deploy an integrated rapid response mechanism (IRRM) team in the coming week to conduct a headcount and food distribution in Aburoc—a location where displaced populations have congregated. The IRRM team will also look at mitigation measures for protection concerns including mobility and vulnerability issues.
Ongoing fighting and insecurity in the Equatorias continues to result in high levels of displacement, with an average of 3,657 new arrivals reported in Uganda per day. The majority (86 percent) of new arrivals are women and children, and more than half are children under age 18.