In Numbers
1.83 million internally displaced people (OCHA)
1,291,323 South Sudanese refugees (UNHCR)
223,994 seeking shelter with the UN (UNMISS)
4.6 million people projected to require food assistance from January—April 2017 (WFP estimate)
A Country Portfolio Evaluation is currently underway through which the appropriateness of WFP’s strategy in South Sudan will be assessed against the performance and results of the operations.
WFP has rolled out a complaints and feedback mechanism as part of efforts to strengthen communications with communities.
WFP’s Office of Evaluation is conducting a Country Portfolio Evaluation of WFP’s activities in South Sudan. The evaluation, which is conducted by a team of independent consultants, covers the 2011 - 2016 period of WFP’s operations in South Sudan. It assesses the appropriateness of WFP’s strategy, factors and quality of strategic decision-making, and the performance and results of WFP’s portfolio. The evaluation will be finalized in mid-2017 and will inform the development of WFP’s Country Strategic Plan in South Sudan.
To strengthen communications with beneficiaries of WFP’s food assistance activities, a complaints and feedback mechanism pilot has been established in Aweil, Mingkaman and Juba. A hotline system has been set up through which beneficiaries are able to contact WFP to address any concerns or to ask questions. Information sharing on the ground in the three pilot locations is being strengthened to better inform beneficiaries on their entitlements as well as the food distribution process and timeline.