In Numbers
1.83 million internally displaced people (OCHA)
1,291,323 South Sudanese refugees (UNHCR)
212,071 seeking shelter with the UN (UNMISS)
4.6 million people projected to require food assistance from January—April 2017 (WFP estimate)
As part of efforts to further mainstream protection and accountability to affected populations into programmes, WFP held a three day workshop covering issues related to gender based violence and prevention of sexual exploitation and abuse.
WFP and World Vision kick started the first training session for over 1,700 participants as part of support to food insecure households in Juba.
WFP and partners including the Food Security and Livelihoods Cluster (FSLC) are engaged in the national level Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC) analysis. The IPC analysis will give projections for 2017 levels of food insecurity which are expected to be higher than previously seen in South Sudan.
WFP continues to strengthen its protection and Accountability to Affected Populations (AAP) efforts in its programmes in South Sudan. A workshop was held for WFP staff from 25-27 January to develop capacities to mainstream protection, gender and AAP, including ways to address gender based violence (GBV) and prevention of sexual exploitation and abuse (PSEA). The workshop focused on strategic pathways towards engaging in humanitarian protection for 2017, assuring civilians’ safety, rights and dignity, alongside providing material assistance and accountability that is central to staffs’ roles and responsibilities.