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South Sudan

WFP South Sudan: Food Assistance for Assets, November 2018


Although insecurity prevails in many parts of South Sudan, there are clear pockets of stability where a resilience building and livelihoods approach is essential to strengthening local communities’ and farmers’ capacities. In these areas, WFP is implementing Food Assistance for Assets (FFA) to meet short term hunger gaps while helping households build resilience against future shocks and stresses.

In 2018, the FFA programme has been scaled up to serve almost 630,000 people across all regions of the country. The growth of the programme reflects community interest in being supported to rebuild their own livelihoods and to grow their own food, as well as WFP’s interest in moving away from unconditional assistance, where feasible, and supporting community-led resilience building.

Using a multi-year approach, WFP’s FFA programme helps food insecure communities to rebuild their livelihoods and improve their resilience. Food assistance is provided as participating households build assets from across three pillars:

  1. Restoration of productive capacity of arable land;

  2. Construction of community infrastructure;

  3. Environment, natural resource management and climate change adaptation.

Skills development is integrated throughout the programme, equipping participants with new agricultural, infrastructure development and maintenance, and environmental management skills.