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South Sudan + 1 more

WFP South Sudan Country Brief, October 2024


In Numbers

1.5 million people assisted

USD 4.3 million in cash-based transfers distributed

USD 503 million six months net funding requirements (November 2024 – April 2025), including USD 47 million for the Sudan crisis response

12,119 mt of food distributed

Operational Updates

Humanitarian situation

• South Sudan is facing a confluence of crises that continue to push the country towards new levels of vulnerability. The country continues to grapple with a long-standing humanitarian crisis marked by chronic food and nutrition insecurity. The ongoing conflict in Sudan has compounded the situation by driving 843,000 people into South Sudan by 31 October.

• South Sudan is experiencing unprecedented floods, which have impacted more than 1.4 million people, including 327,000 people displaced by 31 October. Unity, Jonglei, , Western Bahr el Ghazal, Lakes States and Abyei Administrative Area are the most affected. Damaged and impassable roads continued to hinder physical access to affected communities. Flooding in Renk, the primary entry point for displaced persons from Sudan, compromised sanitation and hygiene services. The National Ministry of Health declared a cholera outbreak in Renk (Upper Nile State) on 28 October. Since 11 October, the Ministry has reported over 40 suspected cases and confirmed six positive cases on 23 October. No fatalities were reported as of 31 October.

Support to crisis-affected people

• WFP distributed 12,119 mt of food and USD 4.3 million as cashbased transfers to 1.5 million people, including new arrivals from Sudan, refugees, internally displaced persons, host population and new arrivals. The total number of people reached represents 80 percent of the target population. Delayed arrival of commodities in-country, inaccessibility of roads and cancelled air deliveries due to weather affected optimal performance which made it difficult for WFP to reach all the targeted people. *

• Since September, WFP has supported 583,000 flood affected people across various states with food and nutrition assistance, including 26,000 people who benefited from cash-based transfers. As of 31 October, WFP had assisted 41,000 children aged 6-23 months in flood-affected areas with specialized nutritious foods to prevent moderate acute malnutrition. WFP collaborated with cooperating partners on flood preparedness activities in coordination with the National Nutrition Cluster.