In Numbers
20,641 mt of food and nutrition assistance distributed*
USD 1.98 m in cash-based transfers made*
USD 583.2 m six months (May to October 2022) net funding requirements
2.12 m people assisted*
*in March 2022
Operational Updates
- At the national level, there are ongoing tensions related to the formation of the Unified Command Structure, with SPLM/A-IO voicing opposition to the current composition. WFP continues to monitor the situation and potential implications on operations.
- In Unity State, the security situation has deteriorated significantly, resulting in multiple causalities and offsetting further very violent clashes in Koch, Mayendit and Leer counties. Due to the deteriorated security situation in and around Leer, over twenty humanitarians were relocated by UNMISS forces on 9 and 10 April. The scale of the violence has not been confirmed. However, sources have indicated human rights abuses, including killing of civilians, cases of rape, destruction of property and the looting of assets and livestock and at least one humanitarian fatality. WFP has suspended the response in central Unity pending safety assurances for staff and assets, as well as to assess the number and locations of the displacement to better inform the response.
- In Jonglei and the Greater Pibor Administrative Area (GPAA), the consistent raids and looting have continued to impact the fragile security situation, disrupting humanitarian operations. Six people have been killed since January 2021 during food deliveries in Northern Jonglei and the situation remains tense. WFP is working with peacebuilding partners to create incentives to maintain the Pieri Peace Agreement while also adapting its operational approach to mitigate the risks of any large-scale violence. Engagement is also ongoing to end the impasse along the Bor-Pibor road which is the lifeline to the GPAA.
- In Eastern Equatoria, road insecurity remains the major concern, with an attempted ambush on a WFP convoy in the Khor Dhuluma area of Kapoeta East on 12 April. Four WFP staff members were held at gunpoint by unknown armed individuals who demanded food.
Food and Nutrition
- In March, WFP and partners reached 2.12 million people (out of 2.21 million planned, 96 percent) with a total of 20,641 mt of food and USD 1.98 million in cash-based transfers (CBT).
- Since the start of 2022, WFP has already provided ad-hoc unplanned assistance to about 13,000 conflict-displaced IDPs across South Sudan.
- The 2022 Integrated Phase Classification (IPC) analysis was released which highlighted the deteriorating food security situation in South Sudan. Food insecurity is expected to rise by seven percent compared to 2021 with 7.74 million people expected to face IPC Phase 3 (Crisis) or worse during the lean season. Eight counties are expected to have pockets of IPC 5 (Famine) including Fangak, Canal/Pigi, Ayod, Pibor, Cueibet, Rumbek North, Leer, and Mayendit and one county, Tonj East, was expected to be in IPC 5 last year and was not accessible for data collection.
- WFP is reprioritising the most vulnerable caseloads and has postponed its Lean Season Response (LSR) until the beginning of May 2022 in several counties to mitigate breaks in the food commodity pipeline. Food and nutrition assistance will prioritise the most vulnerable communities in hard-to-reach locations and counties with pockets of IPC Phase 5 (Famine) as well as areas with significant population in IPC Phase 4. IPC Phase 2 and Phase 3 populations will be deprioritised for relief assistance for the remainder of 2022.