- As of May, a total of 696,687 individuals, including 357,293 children, crossed border points into South Sudan fleeing the conflict in Sudan.
- In May, 175,817 primary caregivers of children 0-23 months received infant and young child feeding counselling.
- 35,008 women, girls and boys had access to gender-based violence risk mitigation, prevention and/or response interventions.
- 60,834 people had access to a sufficient quantity and quality of water for drinking and domestic needs and 73,483 children had access to safe and appropriate WASH facilities and hygiene services in learning and safe spaces.
- 35,491 children 6-59 months with severe wasting admitted for treatment through nutrition programs.
- Almost halfway through the year, the HAC remains only 12 per cent funded, significantly hindering UNICEF's capacity to meet the humanitarian needs of children and women.