• UNICEF and partners admitted 75,592 children for severe acute malnutrition (SAM) treatment from January to April 2016. This is a 41 per cent increase compared to the same period last year, and a 150 per cent increase over 2014. The majority of the cases were recorded in Northern Bahr-el-Ghazal (NBeG) state (30%), Jonglei state (16.5%) and Unity state (14%).
• UNICEF and partners have reached 71,590 children (47% girls) with dedicated psychosocial support (PSS) services in 2016. Sixty-five per cent of the interventions utilized community-based methodologies, which aim to establish and consolidate supportive and protective skills of caregivers and social groups. 1,416 children (33%girls) in extremely vulnerable situations have received comprehensive case management services, comprised of focused PSS care and other services based on their needs.
• With UNICEF’s Humanitarian Action for Children (HAC) appeal for 2016 just 58 per cent funded, shortfalls arec having an effect in various sectors: the measles outbreak response is pending for nine Payams out of 38 in NBeG state; early childhood development and accelerated learning programme centres remain closed in Mingkaman; and coverage of gender based violence (GBV) prevention and response interventions in 17 counties across five states will be reduced significantly after June.
Situation Overview & Humanitarian Needs
Over 2.4 million people have been displaced since fighting broke out in Juba in December 2013. This includes 720,394 people who have crossed into neighbouring countries. According to the UN Mission in South Sudan, the six Protection of Civilian (PoC) sites are currently sheltering 169,983 internally displaced people (IDPs): 98,653 in Bentiu; 40,448 in Malakal; 27,959 in Juba; 2,004 in Bor; 700 in Melut; and, 219 in Wau.
The decline of the economy and high inflation combined with disrupted harvests and livelihoods continue to have a negative impact on food security, resulting in more suffering and the displacement of thousands of people to neighbouring countries. Ethnic clashes and cattle raids continue to cause civil unrest in Lakes, Warrap and Unity states, involving the SPLA, SPLA-IO and armed groups. An order issued from the local authorities three weeks ago prohibiting UNMISS from conducting patrols in Western Equatoria state, Nimule and Torit remained in place during the reporting period. On 29 May, the Transitional Council of Ministers approved the establishment of cantonment sites for SPLA-IO elements in the Greater Bahr el Ghazal and Greater Equatoria regions, with the Joint Monitoring Ceasefire Committee (JMCC) tasked with determining the criteria for the sites. In the past three months, the population of the Bentiu PoC site has decreased by about 20 per cent. The reduction may be attributed to the ongoing intensive humanitarian outreach, called Beyond Bentiu, which is bringing assistance to different areas of Unity state.