South Sudan is facing unprecedented levels of food insecurity, as 2.8 million people – nearly 25 percent of the country’s population – remain in urgent need of food assistance, and at least 40,000 people are on the brink of catastrophe (South Sudan December IPC). The number of food insecure people is expected to peak during the coming lean season – traditionally worst between April and July -- when food availability is lowest. The ongoing economic crisis is equally expected to cause a deterioration in the nutrition situation of children in urban areas.
In Jonglei, three boreholes were rehabilitated in Akobo benefiting 1,500 individuals while one borehole in Walgak was motorized benefitting 6,000 individuals. Additionally, in the Greater Pibor Administrative Area, three boreholes in Lekuangole were rehabilitated benefiting 3,150 people.
UNICEF and partner GBV prevention and response activities reached 3,499 people in the past two weeks, including GBV case management, psychosocial activities, referrals, coordination, risk mitigation, community engagement and capacity building in 20 counties. In total, 10,588 have been reached in 2016, including through eight Women’s Friendly Spaces.
To respond to the malaria cases in Malakal Protection of Civilians (PoC) site, UNICEF and Mentor Initiative began Indoor Residual Spraying with 1,654 shelters and 2,584 sleeping structures sprayed so far.
1.69 million
People internally displaced since 15 December 2013
(OCHA, Humanitarian Snapshot dated 25 January 2016)
Estimated internally displaced children under 18 years
Outside South Sudan
Estimated new South Sudanese refugees in neighbouring countries since 15 December 2013 (UNHCR, Regional Refugee Information Portal, dated 9 February, 2016)
Priority Humanitarian Funding needs January - December 2016
US$ 154.5 million
*Disaggregated data is yet to be made available, as registration has not been completed across the country. Children under 18 years have been calculated based on census
Situation Overview & Humanitarian Needs
Over 2.3 million people have fled their homes since December 2013, 1.69 million of whom remain displaced inside the country. According to UNMISS, as of 28 January, the estimated number of civilians seeking safety in six Protection of Civilians (PoC) sites is 199,187 including 122,293 in Bentiu, 27,950 in Juba, 45,751 in Malakal, 2,289 in Bor, 700 in Melut and 234 in Wau.
South Sudan is facing unprecedented levels of food insecurity, as 2.8 million people – nearly 25 percent of the country’s population – remain in urgent need of food assistance, and at least 40,000 people are on the brink of catastrophe (South Sudan IPC). These numbers are particularly worrisome because they show an increase in hunger during the postharvest period – a time when the country is traditionally most food secure. The number of food insecure people is expected to peak during the coming lean season – traditionally worst between April and July -- when food availability is lowest.
The dry season could bring additional hardship to people facing the most severe levels of hunger. People displaced in conflict-affected Unity State, who have been living on fish and water lilies to survive, are running out of their only remaining sources of food as the flood water recede. Livestock raiding has robbed many people of essential animal products like milk, which were their main means of survival during last year’s lean season. Unless humanitarian assistance can reliably reach them during the dry season, they face catastrophe in the coming months