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South Sudan

UNICEF South Sudan Humanitarian Situation Report #57, 10 - 23 April 2015



• UNICEF continues to provide both financial and technical assistance to partners implementing nutrition programmes, with 38,416 children admitted for the treatment of severe acute malnutrition (SAM) from January to March 2015, a record admission rate for that time period over the last 4 years. This is due to a number of factors which include the scale up of nutrition services and improved stock availability as well as improved monthly reporting of partners.

• An additional 160 children were released from the Cobra Faction in Pochalla in the Greater Pibor Administrative Area last week, bringing the total number of children released to 1,474 children. The final release will be in Labrab, in Boma County. Labrab is remote and with no access by road, and will therefore be the most logistically challenging release. UNICEF implementing partner TdH and UNICEF staff are already on ground preparing for the release of the children and critical supplies are being airlifted into the area to ensure that the interim care centre and the early release services will be available in time for the release, which is expected in the coming week.

• More than 730,000 people, including over 154,000 children under 5 years of age, have been reached by the 46 UNICEF and partner rapid response mechanism (RRM) missions to date. In 2015, eleven RRM missions in northern Jonglei and northern Unity States have reached over 177,000 people, including 38,000 children under five.